Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Advantages Linux

1. Freeware for using the GPL license so it can be distributed for free. Even if there are Linux distros that are not free, generally we still do not have to pay expensive licenses to other operating systems are non-GPL. The average price is comparable to the cost of burning to a CD until ready for use. But there are some who do look very expensive. Obviously it is an exclusive edition distro with a very good package, and is usually complete with a book or CD manual use of Linux.

2.Interface and display better graphics and sharper images.

3. Complete and powerful, provides many functions for various needs, for example, create documents, edit text, edit images, worksheets (such as editing data in Microsoft Excel), creating presentations, playing music files, video, Internet, computer networking, and forth. For each of these functions, Linux provides a lot of freeware applications.

4.Stability, especially for computer network systems. While other operating systems often require a server reboot on a regular basis, linux server can survive without a reboot until the hardware itself is damaged. For use in personal computers (PCs) used any Linux rarely hangs.

5. Open source. By editing and varying the source code or configuration settings, we can customize the Linux functions in accordance with our needs.

6. Completeness various programming languages: Java, C, C + +, and so forth.

7. Kompatibel with a variety of computer processors, ranging from as small as a 3Com Palm Pilot until the machinery for Beowulf clusters (kunpulan of many personal computers are connected quickly to solve scientific problems). Linux is able to walk almost every processors like Digital Alpha, Strong ARM, the processor outputs Inteln (ranging from 386 to intel intel pentium 4), the output processor AMD (Duron, Dalton), Cyrix / IBM, Motorola 68X000, PowerPC (including Power Macintosh), and so forth. Compare with Windows NT that is only compatible with Intel and Digital Alpha or under Windows 95/98 that can only be operated on Intel, AMD, and Cyrix.

8. IF we have a second computer operating system, Windows Vista and Ubuntu for example 9:10, Linux (ubuntu 9:10) more easily access the files / folders located on the windows partition. But it is difficult even windows can not access the files / folders on the Linux partition.

9. Software N Hardware in Linux appear as files so easily accessed by the programming language. But in the process also access the hardware, users sometimes have difficulties. So this has become surplus as well as the lack of Linux.

10. Can read and write files in the format used by other operating systems, ranging from the OS / 2, DOS, Windows, Apple Macintosh, Unix, and others. For example OpenOffice Writer in Linux that can read and write in Microsoft Word format document files. (. Doc)

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