Primary | Relational |
() Parentheses x[y] value of yth element of array x x.y value of y field of structure x Unary | x<y (<,<=,>=) x less than y, etc. 0 if false, 1 otherwise Equality |
x==y (x!=y) x equal (not equal) y Bitwise (in order of precedence) | |
!x not x; !x=0 if x is nonzero,1 otherwise ˜x 1s complement of x. 0s become 1s and 1s become 0s. ++x(--x) x is incremented (decremented) before use x++(x--) x is incremented (decremented) after use -x arithmetic negation of x *x value at address x &x address of x sizeof x # bytes in x Multiplication | x&y bitwise and of x and y, 1&1=1, else 0 x^y bitwise xor of x and y, 1^0=0^1=1, else 0 x | y bitwise or of x and y,0|0=0, else 1 Logical (in order of precedence) |
x&&y 1 if both x and y are nonzero, else 0 x| |y 1 if x or y are nonzero, else 0 Conditional | |
x?y:z y if x is nonzero, z otherwise Assignmment | |
x*y product (quotient) of x and y x%y x MOD y Addition | x=y x gets the value of y xop=y x gets the value of xopy, where op may be +, -, *, /, %, >>, <<, &, ^, or |. Comma |
x+y (x-y) sum (difference) of x and y Shift | |
x< places | x,y x, then y, are evaluated, expression gets value of y |
C has an if and an if....else statement, as well as repeat, while, do...while...., switch, and for statements.
An example of a C for statement is:
for (i=0; i<5; i++) x=i;
The first expression gives a 0 start for the loop, it terminates when i==5, and i is incremented by 1 after it is used (i++). x will be assigned successively: 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.
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