In 1981, a program managed to become the first epidemic. This program is only attacking Floppy containing the Apple II operating system. This program will display a message at certain moments.
It will of get on all your disks
It will of infiltrate your chips
Yes it's Cloner!
It will of stick to you like glue
It will from modify ram too
Send in the Cloner!
Programs created by a student named Richard Skrenta, called Elk Kloner. This program will be attached to the computer memory and when to find an uninfected floppy then this program will menularinya with the virus.
In January 1986, a virus that attacks the PC with DOS operating system was first discovered by a name derived from Pakista Brain.A, created by two brothers, Basit and Amjad through a long research. This virus is a virus first bootsector that many computer users to attack diskettes. This virus will display a message at the time of booting with a diskette containing the DOS operating system that has been infected with this virus. The message that will be raised are:
Welcome to the Dungeon © 1986 Brain
& Amjaads (pvt) Ltd. VIRUS_SHOE RECORD
v9.0 Dedicated to the dynamic memories of Millions
of virues Who Are no longer with us today-Thanks
Goodness! BEWARE OF THE er ... VIRUS
\ This program is catching program
follwos after these messeges .........$#@%$@#!!
This virus does not damage our data, but this virus will mark a number of sectors on disktet as BadSector. This is done to defend himself because DOS will not overwrite the sectors that are considered damaged or bad sectors. Brain virus was also was the first to attack computers and infecting rapidly in Indonesia in 1988.
In almost the same with out Brain.A, a Dutch programmer, Ralf Burger, also designing and making other viruses with the different methods with Brain.A virus. This method is known by the name of the virus Virdem. Different with Brain.A virus that infects the boot floppy with DOS operating system on its bootsector, Burger's work this virus will infect files that have a COM in the current directory. These infected files will berisis copies of the virus itself, so that if every time the infected file is run, the virus that will actually run. Furthermore, this virus will search the next COM files that have not been infected with the virus. Virus Burger gave a sign for every file that has been re-infected not infected.
In 1987 appeared-many kinds of file infector viruses. The virus file is pointed out is the development of viral Virdem made by a Dutch programmer, Ralf burgers. When the virus is a virus most terkenla Surviv, namely Suriv-1 virus is a virus file penginfeksi COM files, as well as virus Virdem. How it works is similar to the virus Virdem. After that comes Surviv-2 virus variants. This virus was different characteristics with Surviv-1 virus or virus that infects files virdem COM, Surivi-2 virus infects EXE files. Surviv-2 is the first virus capable of infecting EXE . Further development is the latest variant of the Surviv, namely Surviv-3 virus, this virus is a virus that infects COM files and EXE files at once. So Surviv-3 virus is very, very more dangerous than previous viruses.
Leigh and Jerusalem
In 1987 it also emerged a file infector viruses that attack others just as Leigh COM files such as COMMAND.COM, and also viruses that attack Jerusalem EXE files like Surviv.
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