Thursday, September 30, 2010

Create a simple program with C language

At this opportunity, i will start writing articles about how to make a simple program with C language. Today i will give the script the program calculates the area of the triangle.
Note carefully script the following program:

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Introducing The Search Engine Optimation (SEO)

Almost all the search information on the Internet will be familiar with Yahoo. If Internet users want to find the address of a website or information on the Internet, most of these users will find it in Yahoo. Yahoo! Is one search engine on the Internet that serve the search information and any data you want the Searcher. But most of these users do not know when and the origin of the search engines. This article attempts to provide information on the history of search engines, the kinds of search engines and some recommendations of some search engines that are still active today. The development of search engines came from Montreal when lan Emtage make Archie. Grandfather of all search engines are Archie created by Alan Emtage in 1990, students from McGill University, Montreal. Then the University of Nevada System Computing Service Group is building a search engine type that is named Veronica, 1993.

Monetize Your content Rich Website or Blog

Google describes AdSense as “a fast and easy way for web site publishers of all sizes to display relevant Google ads on their web site’s content pages and earn money.” The AdSense ads displayed by Google on your site are matched to Google’s interpretation of the content theme of your site. In this manner, the AdSense ads will be of interest to your site visitors looking for the unique content your site offers to them.
AdSense is a system where Google places its AdWords ads on the content pages of non-Google web sites.
It is a pay-per-click (PPC) service where webmasters are paid a portion of the revenue collected by Google from the advertisers. The advertiser pays Google a pre-determined amount each time a web site visitor clicks on an AdSense advertisement. Every webmaster with high-quality and focused web page content can monetize their knowledge and expertise by using AdSense. You need interesting and informative content on your site in order to bring free and targeted traffic to your web site and capitalize on the AdSense model.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Introduction The Basics of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

 Ever heard the term on top? Probably most will answer, "YES!!". If not, now so already.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style that determines how components will be displayed in an HTML browser. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is not much different from the HTML tags associated with layout and text formatting (Font) color barrier attributes. Style to format text in a single document or multiple documents.
Manager web page format that can be done in three ways:

  • Inline : Styles are embedded right within the HTML code they affect.
  • Internal : Styles are placed within the header information of the web page and then affect all coresponding tags on a single page.
  • External : Style are coded in a sperapate document, whic is then referenced from within the header of the actual web page. This means a single external style sheet can be used to affect the presentation on a whole group of web pages.

Monday, September 27, 2010

How to edit text with VI/VIM text editor in Linux.

On windows system you can use Notepad to edit the text with format .txt. While in Linux, to edit the text using the application VI/VIM Builder. But not everyone knows how to use VI. For that, this time i wrote down how your program how to use the VI text editor in Linux. Let's look at together.

Vi editor has many facilities that are helping programmers, but novice users because they avoid Vi editor considers it very difficult and confusing. This chapter intended to introduce the novice user to the editor Vi. Why Using Vi Here are some reasons 

Introduction of Computer Animation

Some typical applications of computer-generated animation are entertainment (motion pictures and cartoons), advertismg, scientific and engineering studies, and training and education. Although we tend to think of animation as implying obpct mot~ons, the term computer animation generally refers to any time sequence of visual changes in a scene. In addition to changing object position with translations or rotations, a computer-generated animation could display time variations in object size, color, hansparency, or surface textule. Advertising animations often transition one object shape into another: for example,transforming a can of motor oil into an automobile engine.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Apache and BIND on Slackware

Apache is the most popular web server since April 1996. It was originally based on NCSA httpd, and
has grown into a full-featured HTTP server. Slackware Linux currently uses the 1.3.x branch of
Apache. This chapter is based on Apache 1.3.x.

Apache can be installed by adding the apache package from the “n” disk set. If you also want to use PHP, the php (“n” disk set) and mysql (“ap” disk set) are also required. MySQL is required, because the precompiled PHP depends on MySQL shared libraries. You do not have to run MySQL itself. After installing Apache it can be started automatically while booting the system by making the /etc/rc.d/rc.httpd file executable. You can do this by executing:

Sendmail on Linux Slackware


Sendmail is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) that Slackware Linux uses. sendmail was originally written by Eric Allman, who still maintains sendmail. The primary role of the sendmail MTA is delivering messages, either locally or remotely. Delivery is usually done through the SMTP protocol. The means that sendmail can accept e-mail from remote sites through the SMTP port, and that sendmail delivers site destined for remote sites to other SMTP servers.

About Linux

What is Linux?

Linux is a UNIX-like kernel, which is written by Linus Torvalds and other developers. Linux runs on many different architectures, for example on IA32, IA64, Alpha, m68k, SPARC and PowerPC machines. The latest kernel and information about the Linux kernel can be found on the Linux kernel website:
The Linux kernel is often confused with the GNU/Linux operating system. Linux is only a kernel,not a complete operating system. GNU/Linux consists of the GNU operating system with the Linux kernel. The following section gives a more extensive description of GNU/Linux.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Bash Shell

The shell is the traditional interface used by UNIX and GNU/Linux. In contrast to the X Window
System it is an interface that works with commands. In the beginning this can be a bit awkward, but the shell is very powerful. Even in these days the shell is almost unavoidable. The default shell on Slackware Linux is Bash. Bash means “Bourne-Again SHell”, which is a pun on the name of one of the traditional UNIX shells, the “Bourne Shell”. Slackware Linux also provides some other shells, but Bash is the main topic of this chapter.

Installing Slackware Linux

Slackware Linux is one of the oldest Linux distributions remaining. Over the years, it has stayed true to its roots and form.

Here's what the author, Patrick Volkerding has to say about it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Explorer and File Management

This article also introduces file management techniques for better file system structure for various
Copy, Move, Rename, Delete
As with most other features of Windows, there are many ways to accomplish the same task. This section does not aim for optimal performance, but rather a solid foundation that is helpful for other computer related activities.

There are many ways to navigate in Windows Explorer. First, let us start Windows Explorer. You can start Explorer in different ways:

Social Security

Social Security Disability Backlogs
Statement of Sylvester J. Schieber, Chairman
Social Security Advisory Board
To the
Subcommittee on Social Security of the
Committee on Ways and Means
U.S. House of Representatives
February 14, 2007

Chairman McNulty, Mr. Johnson, Members of the Subcommittee. I am pleased to have this opportunity to appear on behalf of the Social Security Advisory Board to discuss the backlogs in the Social Security disability programs. I would like to give you the Board’s perspectives on what the situation is, how we got there, and—most importantly—what can be done about it.

Control Panel and Explorer (Win XP)

Control Panel
The control panel is the entry point to access various system level resources.

What is a Service
A service an individual feature of the operating system that can be enabled or disabled. A service is often passive. Once enabled, a service responds to some “event” in the system. However, some services are “active”, and they proactively initiates operations.

Monday, September 20, 2010

DOS commands on Windows XP

Windows 3.1,95,98 and me are all DOS based, so it was appropriate to use the term  "DOS commands". However,Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista are all NT based, so the term "DOS commands" in this case is a misnomer.It is more appropriate to use the term "command line interface" and "command line commands" instead of  DOS commands. Anyway, this section discusses the use of DOS commands in the context of  Windows XP.

Getting Started
To start using command line commands, you need to start a command line interface (CLI). In Windows XP, this can be done as follows:

Batch Files

The previous post article discusses DOS (CLI) commands. That is a prelude to the an exceptionally useful topic: batch files and automated tasks. This is where the GUI lacks support and why skillful systems administrators are paid more.

Batch File Concept.

The term "batch" file is a misnomer. Essentially, a "batch" file is a text file that contains a number of commands, some of which you can manually type in the CLI. “Batch file” is a misnomer because the term "batch" often implies the lack of user interaction. In reality, a batch file can have basic text-mode user interaction. A more proper term is CLI scripts, or shell scripts.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Operating System Concepts and Terminology

Operating System Concepts

 For purposes of this book, we'll consider an operating system to be the supporting software structure on which application programs run.
This support structure includes the facilities to manage the computer system's resources and any utility programs needed to maintain and configure the operating system.
The heart of system administration is configuring an operating system to create an environment suitable for the applications that the users require.

One can classify operating systems into two broad groups, early and modern, based on an analysis of three key features:

  • Ability to share CPU resources between multiple programs.
  • Methods employed to control access to system storage.
  • Methods employed to protect system and application memory from corruption.

Operating system Basic and Systems Programming

Introduction to Systems Programming with examples in POSIX

A process can be thought of as a program whose execution has started and not yet terminated.
A process can be in three states:

1.Running: The process is using a processor to execute instructions.

2.Ready: The process is executable, but other processes are executing and all processors are currently in use.

3.Blocked: The process is waiting for an event to occur.
Each process uses a Process Control Block (PCB) data structure to store complete information about the process.  PCB contains the following information:

4.Process name and id, processor state (program counter, register contents, interrupt masks, etc.), process state, priority, privileges, virtual memory address translation maps, information about other resources owned by the process, etc.
 Concurrent Processes
Two processes are concurrent if their execution can overlap in time.

Operating Systems with Questions

Following are a few basic questions that cover the essentials of OS:

1.Explain the concept of Reentrancy.
It is a useful, memory-saving technique for multiprogrammed timesharing systems. A Reentrant Procedure is one in which multiple users can share a single copy of a program during the same period. Reentrancy has 2 key aspects: The program code cannot modify itself, and the local data for each user process must be stored separately. Thus, the permanent part is the code, and the temporary part is the pointer back to the calling program and local variables used by that program. Each execution instance is called activation. It executes the code in the permanent part, but has its own copy of local variables/parameters. The temporary part associated with each activation is the activation record. Generally, the activation record is kept on the stack.

Note: A reentrant procedure can be interrupted and called by an interrupting program, and still execute correctly on returning to the procedure.

The Role of XML and the Java Platform

Web services depend on the ability of parties to communicate with each other even if they are using different information systems. XML (Extensible Markup Language), a markup language that makes data portable, is a key technology in addressing this need. Enterprises have discovered the benefits of using XML for the integration of data both internally for sharing legacy data among departments and externally for sharing data with other enterprises. As a result, XML is increasingly being used for enterprise integration applications, both in tightly coupled and loosely coupled systems. Because of this data integration ability, XML has become the underpinning for Web-related computing.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Backup File/Folder on Windows XP

Backup, Why?
A computer and its components will, eventually, fail. When it does, there is a possibility that all data will be lost. The cost to replace the hardware of a computer is easily estimated. However, the price of the lost data, on the other hand,can be invaluable.
Therefore, it is important to establish good habits to backup the contents of a computer. This section discusses several methods of accomplishing this.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Objects in Ada 83 and Ada 95

Two of the major goals in developing object-oriented software are cost reduction and security. They development of objects as reusable software units aids in the first, while information hiding promotes the second. When objects are created and destroyed dynamically, security update special machine architectures. The design spesifications for Ada 83 did not require object-orientation, but that all type checking and allocatin (binding) of storage for procedures be done at compile time. This is called static binding. Thus we did not find dynamic binding inheritence in Ada 8. By the time the revised standard for Ada 95 [ANSI-1815A, 1983] appeared, experience with both other object-oriented languages and with Ada suggested that security and reliability issues, important for Departement of Defense applications, would not be compromised by adding inheritence and dynamic binding to the language.

Operators of the C Language

Table Operators of the C Language.

Primary Relational
()      Parentheses

x[y]   value of yth element of array x

x.y     value of y field of structure x

x<y (<,<=,>=)   x less than y,
                                        etc. 0 if false, 1
x==y (x!=y)           x equal (not equal) y

Bitwise (in order of precedence)
!x             not x; !x=0 if x is
˜x              1s complement of x.
                 0s become
                 1s and 1s become 0s.
++x(--x)    x is incremented
                 before use
x++(x--)    x is incremented
                 after use
-x              arithmetic negation of x
*x             value at address x
&x            address of x
sizeof x     # bytes in x

x&y     bitwise and of x and y, 1&1=1,
                   else 0
x^y      bitwise xor of x and y, 1^0=0^1=1,
            else 0
x | y     bitwise or of x and y,0|0=0, else 1

Logical (in order of precedence)
x&&y  1 if both x and y are nonzero, else 0
x| |y     1 if x or y are nonzero, else 0

x?y:z      y if x is nonzero, z otherwise

x*y          product (quotient) of x and y
x%y        x MOD y

x=y        x gets the value of y
xop=y    x gets the value of xopy,
              where op 
              may be +, -, *, /, %, >>, <<, &, ^,
              or |.

x+y (x-y)  sum (difference) of x
                and y
x<>y)  x gets left (right) shifted y
x,y         x, then y, are evaluated,
             gets value of y
©Hendro Sinaga

C has an if  and an if....else statement, as well as repeat, while, do...while...., switch, and for statements.
An example of a C for statement is:

for (i=0;  i<5; i++)  x=i;

The first expression gives a 0 start for the loop, it terminates when i==5, and i is incremented by 1 after it is used (i++). x will be assigned successively: 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

C Programming Language


C (along with its extension C++) has become one of the most popular programming languages around town. It is famous for its amazing duality. It is both a high level programming language and a low level one. It is also both special and general porpose. Unlike some before him, such as the creators of ALGOL, Dennis Ritchie did not set out to develop a popular programming language. How wanted to design a better operating system.
Back in the sixties, Ritchie was a Harvard physics major. After completing his undergraduate work, he specialized in the study of mathematics, like most computer science pioneers. In 1986, he went to work for Bell Labs (now Lucent Technology) and was teamed up with ken Thompson. Thompson, who had grown up with ham radios and chess, received his undergraduate and graduate degrees in electrical engineering from the University of California at Barkeley. The two were given a compelling task: to think about interesting problems in computer science. The duo began to think about OS (Operating Systems).

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Complexity has and will maintain a strong fascination for many people. It is true that we live in a complex world and strive to solve inherently complex problems, which often do require complex mechanisms. However, this should not diminish our desire for elegant solutions, which convince by their clarity and effectiveness. Simple, elegant solutions are more effective, but they are harder to find than complex ones, and they require more time, which we often believe to be unaffordable. (Niklaus Wirth, Turing Award Lecture, 1984) [Wirth, 1985].

During the mid- to late sixties, ALGOL was the focus of much attention in the world of computer programming. Niklaus Wirth was in the midst of it all, working on improved version of ALGOL 60 at the ETH laboratory in Zurich. The need for a successor versions of ALGOL had become apparent after the release of the Revised Report.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hardware on the Computer

Given the diversity of modern computers, it is dificult to describe a "typical" computer hardware system. However, certain features are common to most desktop machines, as shown in figure 1.1.
Although specific components and their appearance may vary from computer to computer, virtually all modern computers have the same underlying structure. This structure is known as the von Neumann architecture, named after computer science pioneer John von Neumann, who formalized his method of computer organization in the early 1950s. The von Neumann  architecture identifies three essential components that work together to function as a computer. Input/output devices allow the user to communicate with the computer by entering commands and then viewing the results. Memory stores information for the computer to process, as well as programs, or instructions specifying the steps necessary to complete specific tasks. Finally, the Central processing unit (CPU) carries out programmatic steps in order to process data. These three components are connected by buses, collections of wires that carry information in the form to electrical signals.

Monday, September 6, 2010

HTML and Web Pages

The World Wide Web is probably the most pervasive and visible aspect of computing today. Initially designed as a way for researchers to share documents over the Internet, the Web has evolved into awidespread, dynamic medium for communication and commerce. Using a problem called a Web browser, people can instanly access documents (commonly reffered to as Web pages) stored on computers around the world. Wit just a few clicks on a mouse, Web users can  read newspapers, check sports scores, send email, and play interactive games. In addition, the Web provides an easy to use interface for advertising and business transactions, as evidenced by the abundance of corporate Web addresses that appear in the televisions and print ads.

In this post, i will introduce the basic of  Web design and its underlying language,HTML. As you read, you will gain hand on experience by developing your own Web page, adding new feauters incementally as you learn. By the end of the post, you will be able to join the Web community by making your Web page publicly available. This means that anyone with a Web browser  and a internet connection will be abe to access the document you've created.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Computer Basics

The computer, at least in the form we think of it today, is a relatively new technological development. The first electroninc computers were built in the 1940s, and desktop computers accessbile be average people date back only to the late 1970s. In a very short time, computers have become integral to nearly every aspect of our society, from business transactions to personal communications. However, although many people use them for work and pleasure avery day, few have even a basic uderstanding of how computers work.
This post presents an overview of computer technology, focusing on what comuters are, how they are organized, and what they can do. The coverage is not meant to be exhaustive many of topics introduced here will be resivited in later post. However,this overview should providea framework work for understanding computing concepts as you encounter them throughtout the book, as well as making you a wiser consumer of computer tehcnology.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Historical Vignette Ada Programming Language

In the mid-seventies the DOD, which is not known for its budgetary restraint, was spending approximately $3 bilion a year on sofware. We're all used to seeing such huge figures attached to the military, but in this case the cost was a bit too steep. Something had to be done to lower the software price tag. A large part of the problem was the fact that mire than 450 different programming  languages or incompatible dialects of the same language were being used by the military. This created problems of limited portability from machine to machine, limited reusability of procedures in subsequents programs, and general confusion. The time had come to find a standard language in which all programs for the departement would be written.

Since about 56 percent of the software purchased was used for embedded or mission-critical computer applications. "Much of the computer programming done by the U.S. military is used for controlling military hardware-tanks, airplanes, nuclear bombs. To control such hardware, a computer program must operate in "real-time," that is, while the tank is rolling or the plane is flying.

Structured Data Types

Most imperative languages provide some support for structured types. Users may be able to define their own types, and this can create more meaningful programs. Various types can be combined to create aggregate types, composed of elements of other types, such as arrays and records.
Most programming Languages have at least one built-in type, although there are typeless languages, such as APL and MUMPS, where data objects can be coerced automatically from one type to another. Even here, the programmer is thinking and the program operating on some sort of structured type.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Blinding On Programming Languages

The blinding of a variable is the assignment to its attributes: names, addres, type, and value. In order to properly understand the semantics of a language, one should know the binding time of the attributes, whether it is associated at compile, load, or run time. The program source code is converted into machine code at compile time. At load time the relocatable machine code addresses are assigned to real addresses. Associations that occur during execution are said to occur at run time.

A static binding is one that occurs prior to run time and remains fixed troughtout execution. A dynamic binding is one that normally occurs or can change during run time.