Monday, September 6, 2010

HTML and Web Pages

The World Wide Web is probably the most pervasive and visible aspect of computing today. Initially designed as a way for researchers to share documents over the Internet, the Web has evolved into awidespread, dynamic medium for communication and commerce. Using a problem called a Web browser, people can instanly access documents (commonly reffered to as Web pages) stored on computers around the world. Wit just a few clicks on a mouse, Web users can  read newspapers, check sports scores, send email, and play interactive games. In addition, the Web provides an easy to use interface for advertising and business transactions, as evidenced by the abundance of corporate Web addresses that appear in the televisions and print ads.

In this post, i will introduce the basic of  Web design and its underlying language,HTML. As you read, you will gain hand on experience by developing your own Web page, adding new feauters incementally as you learn. By the end of the post, you will be able to join the Web community by making your Web page publicly available. This means that anyone with a Web browser  and a internet connection will be abe to access the document you've created.

HTML Basics
A web page is a text document that contains additional formatting information a language called  HTML (HyperText Markup Language). Using HTML, a Web page creator can identify various features of a page, such as a section heading, a centered table, or an image to be displayed. This information is then interpreted by a Web browser, which formats the page contents appropriately.

HTML specifies formatting within a page using tags. In this simplest from, a tag is a word a symbol surrounded by angular brackets (<>). For example, every  Web page must begin with the tag and end tag . These tags specify that be enclosed text may contain HTML formatting information and that the browser should interpret the contents accordingly. Two required sections must appear inside every page's HTML tags:a HEAD section, which is delimited by the tags and , and a BODY section, which is delimited by the tags and .
The HEAD section contains information that the browser uses to determine the look of the page. for now, the only information that we will place in the HEAD will be the title of the page, delimited by the tags . When a browser renders the page, the text occuring between the TITLE tags is displayed appear in the page, usually separated into paragraphs using the tags

For example, Figure 1.1 shows a simple a web page named demo1.html. In this example, the title of the page is "Title of the Page", which appears in the title bar of the Web browser (Figure 1.2) The text in the body, which is displayed within the browser window, is simply "Text that appears in the page." In this and subsequent figures, HTML tags are highlighted in blue to differentiale them from text that appears in the rendered page.

Figure 1.1 A simple Web page

Figure 1.2 

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