This was conveyed by Yuval Ben-Itzhak, chief technology officer at Finjan. A few months ago, this Trojan has infected around 6400 computers. Within 22 days alone, URLzone Trojans have managed to steal 300,000 Euros. Cyber criminals to install URLzone by luring Internet users to visit fake websites that have been planted malicious programs. By a server located in Ukraine, the Trojan will be installed on the computer bank account owners who visit the website.
Previously, there have been other Trojans that resembles URLzone. Among Zeus and Clamping a successful "fishing" millions of dollars per day by transferring money from the account of his victims.
However, according to Ben-Itzhak,
URLzone more sophisticated than the two preceding it. URLzone, according to Finjan, receive specific instructions regarding the amount of money to be stolen from each victim accounts, the following instruction to the stolen account numbers where the money should be transferred. The cyber criminals are recruiting and deceiving the unemployed to help them. So as not suspicious, the money stolen will be transferred to the account of this unemployment. This Trojan works by cleverly so as not to empty the account of his victims. The amount stolen from each account is not too large so it is not detected by the bank system.
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