Configuring Apache modules
The modules in Apache is the interface where the modules determine what features will be run on the Apache Web Server. To view the modules active is to use the command:
# / Usr / local / apache / bin / httpd-l
To load the modules in apache, there are two ways:
1.Static Module
2.DSO (Dynamic Shared Object)
If we install Apache using rpm format by default then how loading a DSO module by default. To load a DSO module is we add the following line in httpd.conf (eg we will load the php4 podul using DSO):
LoadModule php4_module libexec/
AddModule mod_php4.c
Starting the Web server
To run Apache we need to do is:
# Apachectl start
If we make changes to the configuration files so apache must be restarted in order for the changes that we are doing to give effect.
# Apachectl restart
For a more complete view of apachectl options
# Apachectl - help
Httpd file which is derived from the installation process is a daemon program that opens port 80 (default) to hear any request or application for the web. To be able to call the web server is as follows:
http://namec <---
if the name of the web server we are KINETIC If we use the ports that are not from the usual (eg 8000) then calling as follows:
Or calling to use the IP Address of the machine in question, eg: <----
if your web server IP Address
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