Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tutorial Installation Ubuntu 10.10

In this tutorial, I shall give to friends all how will manner will do installation Linux 10.10 (maverick). Okay, in do installation  Linux bunt 10.10, we don't need capacity hard disk many. We only want capacity 10 GB. But if you want to install all programs that provided Linux, so better hard disk you that is more than 20 GB. To vga card, better we use vga card that has good quality. For example nVIDIA GEFORCE and or ATI, because at Linux we can enjoy facilities graphical unique like animation graphical.

Okay, let us begin to do installation  Ubuntu 10.10.

First step we do, insert CD installation Ubuntu 10.10 and then restart lah computer or laptop you. Necessary at look at, if you still to want to use windows system operation in computer or laptop you, you can do installation dual boot. So, you are unnecessary worries with all this.  Return to installation topic. . After you put into cd installation, so you will be aimed in process will like picture hereunder.

Figure 1
After installation process likes picture above, so installation process that we shall face as picture next,

Figure 2
Figure 2

 In installation process we shall be be orderred to determine to what us will try Ubuntu beforehand without will do installation,  or direct do installation Ubuntu as a whole. but here, i only will give manner will do install Ubuntu. because, our beginning topic is does installation Ubuntu, doesn't try Ubuntu without do installation. okay, direct we click install Ubuntu such as those which seen in picture above. Installation stage having taken ste above, so we shall be aimed to installation process next.

Figure 3
Figure 3

There stage, we shall see spesification from our computer will what good or not. if good so at will give sign will tick off,  but if our computer spesification not memnuhi, so be given cross sign. in this stage also, we at will order to determine to what us will do system operation renewal linux and use addition software likes plugin mp3, mpeg layer-3,  and as it. if your computer is linked to internet, so better tick off lah second choice so that installation ubuntu 10.10 you are direct does software update and aplikasi2 other he.

after you tick off second choice, so click forward to continue installation stage to stage “allocate drive space”.  in stage allocate drive space, you will be orderred to will determine your choice in mempartisi harddisk computer or laptop you. choice that we shall determine that is:

  • Erase and use entire disk
  • Specify partitions manually ( Advanced )
Figure 4

if you choose “erase and use entire disk”, so contents exist in hard disk you at erase among others system operation whom you will use previous and your important datas is exist in in computer or laptop you. and in choice this means we only use one system operation. but, if we choose manner “specify partitions manually”, so we must divide harddisk we according to manual and as according to our willing what harddisk that we divide. mean in this manner, we are mass uses “dual boot” and one again important, datas exist in in our computer will not erase. okay, after you click choice “specify partitions manually (advanced)” so click lah button forward to do installation stage next.
Figure 5
In process installation like picture on, we at surh to shall determine partition  hard disk we. that is partition  for place operating system and our datas. here i am partition for system operation as big as 10343 MB or equal with 10 GB. type partition we use for our system operation installation place determines with ext4. one again necessary at remember, in partition hard disk for our system operation installation place must give mount point. input that we shall use shaped slash sign (/). determine partition system operation finished, then we partition where shall we keep our datas later. in partition harddisk for our data repository, use all sizes harddisk remained. usually type partition for our place keeps our data is this later he is “swap”. after finished, click install now.

Figure 6

after you click install button now, you will be brought to stage furthermore will like picture above. in this stage, we only orderred to determine where our location lives or where do we present. after we determine our residence location, click forward to continue installation stage next.
Figure 7

okay, in this installation stage our only will fill our name, pick a username, our password. in form password, we can determine to what password that us use moment logarithm in or are we logarithm automatic direct in without having to put into password we make previous beforehand. this choice can you determine as according to your willing each. after finished fill all form that appended, click  button forward to continue installation stage next.

Figure 8

In this installation stage (is picture 8), we only wait installation process that done. after process finished so furthermore that be aimed to you will like picture under this.

Figure 9

We shall be orderred to do restart or booting computer or laptop we. after you restart laptop you so you will be aimed to will logging beforehand.

Figure 10

Picture on process will logging that we shall do before we enter. but, when a while ago you not put into password or choose to logging automatically, so process will logging to like picture above will not you face moment you want to step into your computer.
Figure 10 ( Ubuntu 10.10 )  

Pictured above is an example of the Ubuntu installation 10:10.
I hope that this tutorial is useful for us all.

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