The average Linux distribution already has a very easy installation, even some of them already have a graphical interface allowing users to simply press the button next-next-next, then Linux will be installed in their system. However, before starting the installation of Linux, of course there are still some things that must be considered.
Often people who want to start to install Linux, be confused with the many types of Linux CDs on the market, which is used for the installation CD is often referred to as CD distribution or often abbreviated with the distribution.
The question that often arises is where the best distribution to use, these questions often lead to lengthy debate.
The best answer is it all depends on individual users, distributions like Red Hat and Mandrake offer ease of installation, but Slackware distribution suitable for people who want to have complete control of Linux is installed, although requiring some commands that should typed in order to operate.
Before Starting Installation
Prior to the installation process begins, it's good to note that there are the hardware specs on a computer that will be installed, in this installation is sometimes necessary because not all types of hardware can be detected well on Linux.
If XWindows participate in installed, it must be ensured whether Linux supports the VGA card that will be installed. Then if you want to connect to network, make sure also that the Ethernet card that is used is also supported by Linux. To verify whether the hardware used is supported by Linux, can be read on the Hardware HOWTO (
Another thing to note, if the computer is installed will be connected to the network, should the network settings such as IP address, netmask and gateway address is known. However, if it is not known or not will be connected to the network, this process can then be skipped in the installation phase.
In Installation Time
The installation process for each Linux distribution has different steps, but you some general tips to consider. Most Linux distributions have a bootable CD, so to start the installation, simply by inserting the CD into the CD ROM drive and reboot the computer. Make sure the BIOS, the boot sequence starts from CD ROM first and another drive.
Select Custom Installation
Most Linux distributions start the installation by selecting the language used, the type of keyboard and mouse, this is used for the installation phase and will not affect the results of the installation.
Then there is the option for installation model, usually the choice posed is a server, workstation or custom. Choose the custom installation because the installation of this model user can set any packages that will be installed.
Distribution Partition in Linux
At the time of installation is usually offered to automatically partition your existing hard drive. If this is the standard Linux installation is done, just choose the automatic partition.
Usually if automatic partition option is selected, the disk will be divided into three sections, one for the boot partition, then for the root partition and swap partition.
If users have a partition that has sided with other operating systems, make sure it did not join the selected partition when the partition process.
Memory and Swap Partitions
To be able to work well, Linux requires at least two of the root and swap partitions. The partition is a section of disk space. Linux provides fruit two program to create partitions that fdisk and disk druids.
Partition size required would depend on the size of the hard drive and how much memory is available. Usually the swap partition created two times larger than the memory. For example, a computer with 64MB of memory requires 128MB swap partition. If the automatic partition is selected, this is usually set automatically.
Dual Booting
Linux supports other operating systems pre-existing order to walk together in a single computer, this is called a dual boot and can be done by using a boot loader where the boot loader in Linux are LILO or GRUB.
Choose the LILO or GRUB, after which it will be followed by a question, will be installed where the boot loader, choose Master Boot Record or MBR, unless there is the plan to do duall boot with Windows 2000 or Windows NT.
Create User
At the time of installation, there will be stage to give a password for root. The root user is the most powerful user on the system, make the password hard to guess, but do not let their own users forget their password.
Make also a user that will be used for work every day, do not use the root if it is not necessary because the root user can damage the system itself.
Choosing Packages
If a large enough hard disk installed, it can be selected to be installed. But if not, then the user must choose wisely which ones should be installed and which ones do not have to be installed. If XWindows want to use, it's good to participate in GNOME and KDE installed even if the future will only be used one of them, because there are many useful applications that exist on each such window manager that can later be useful.
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