Sunday, August 15, 2010

Introduction to the history Linux

History of Linux

Birth of linux started by Linus Torvalds, a student computer science at the University of Helsinki, Finland, who worked on the project as hobby.
Inspired by Minix system ( Mini UNIX ). Linus developed a computer operating system like UNIX and furnish with application programs. Core operating system (kernel) are then named as the name of manufacture, or more precisely Linux GNU/ Linux.
(GNU is an acronym reklursif / repeat of GNU is Not Unix). Kernel, the starting and stopping application programs in it, regulate acces memory, network connection, and so forth.
Linux is now not only known as the kernel, but as a complete operating system with a collection of application programs and networks that developed aunder the auspices of the FSF's GNU project (Free Software Foundation), led by Richad Stallman.

Linus just turned 23 years old when working on project in Helsinki in 1991. Linus wants to make a better version of the UNIX versions of MINIX and other UNIX-like.
Linus october of that year announced in the newsgroup / Internet related projects, and released the official version of linux that is 0:02, whic can only run the bash shell (Bourne again shell) and gcc ( GNU C compiler, the compiler programming language C).
It turned out that UNIX programmers and experts from around the world since it was warm and welcoming large-scale collaboration to build Linux began.

linux peguin maskot tangible cute named Tux. There are funny stories that become an anecdote in the worl of Linux. When making the operating system, the Linus Torvalds has not got an idea what the name will be given. Then he was bitten by a penguin, and finally figure in mind to make it into Linux mascot penguin named Tux.

  • The advantage linux
  • Freeware for using GPL license so it can be distributed for free. Even if there are linux distros that are not free, generally we still do not have to pay expensive licenses to other operating systems are not-gpl. The average price is comparable to the cost of the burning to a CD until ready for use. But there are some who do look very expensive. Obviously it is an exclusive edition distro with a very good package, and usually complete with a book or CD manual use of linux.
  • Interface and display better graphics and sharper images.
  • Complete and powerful, provides many function for various need, for example, create documents, edit text, edit images, worksheet ( such as editing data in microsoft excel ), creating presentations, playing music files, videos, internet, computer networking , and forth. For each of these functions, linux provides a lot of freeware applications.
  • Especially for computer network system. While other operating systems often require a server reboot on a regular basis, linux server can survive without a reboot until the hardware itself is damaged. For use personal computers use any linux rarely hangs.
  • Open source, by editing and varyng the source code or configuration setting, we can customize the linux functions in accordance with our needs.
  • Completed by various programming language: java, c, c++, and so forth.
  • Compatibel with a variety computers processors, ranging from as small as a palm pilot until the machinery for beowulf clusters. Linux is able to walk almost every processors like digital alpha, strong ARM, the processors outputs inteln (ranging from 386 to intel pentium 4), the output processor AMD (duron, alton), cyrix/IBM, motorolla 68X000, power pc ( including power macintosh), and so forth. Compare with windows NT, that is only compatible with intel and digital alpha or under windows 95/98 that can only be operated on intel, AMD, and cyrix.
  • Software/hardware in linux appear as files so easily accesed by programming language. But in the procces also acces the hardware, user somtimes have difficulties. So this has comes surplus as well as the lack of linux.
  • Can be read and write files in the format used by other operating systems, ranging from the os/2, dos, windows, macintosh, unix, and others. For example open office writer in linux that can read and write in microsotf word format document file. (Doc).

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