Sunday, August 8, 2010

Linux Command

1. sort: Sorting ASCII input based on sequence numbers
of characters.

2. Cut: Retrieving specific columns from the rows masukkanya,
specified in the option-c.

3. uniq: To clear up consecutive lines that experienced
Duplication, are usually combined in a pipeline with a sort.

4. grep: Filtering input and displays the rows that
containing only the specified pattern.
5. find: Find files or the directory.

6. ln: Create links from one file / directory to the file / directory else.

7. locate: Knowing where the location of a file or directory.

8. mkdir: Make directory.

9. mv: Moving files from one directory to another directory.

10. rm, and rmdir: Removes a file. To be able to use rmdir directory.

11. taels: defines a file according to the data on line,
By default the display 10 lines of file content.

12. mount: defines that each device can be accessed.

13. ps: Used to look at every process that is run
inside the machine and its process number.

14. kill: Send a signal to a process. So biased ordered if a process suspended, terminated,
or followed. But most often used to
turn off the current process.

15. is: Displays the contents of a directory and their attributes

16. man: Provide complete information (manually) on command
base you want to know, even this command also
menyadiakan information about himself.

17. whatis: This command displays brief information about a

18. cpio: Copying files to / from the archive.

19. pwd: Displaying the current directory.

20. touch: The command to change the file creation time.

21. Which: Shows the location of the basic commands that you wish to search.
This command can also be used to search for program files
the bias is executed.

22. tar: To mengextrak compressed file.