Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Application of Open Source Public

How many Open Source applications out there? The answer is a lot. In addition, of the many applications, how much do you know? Hundreds? Dozens? Beyond Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, GIMP, OpenOffice and Firefox, you might start to think hard to name another. Here is an Open Source Application that you have probably never heard of, but it is necessary for you to test.
dotProjectManagement tool dotProject is a Web-based project that offers features user management, trouble-ticket system (voxel.net Ticketsmith integrated), the management of client / company, contact lists, calendars, forums, permit system, and others. Protruding from the dotProject is a clean and simple interface.

Elgg is an open source social networking platform that reinforces a number of social networking sites. With many companies moving to the
Internet social network, not hurt you investing little time, and effort to use open source social networking platform this. Elgg offers profiles, notification, groups, blogs, media, files, microblogging, pages, external pages, and more are offered. If you are looking for ways to improve the company 'morale, but do not want users to enter the face or MySpace, Elgg try.

Enomoly offer cloud-computing solutions for various environments. However, if you want to get its source you have to use the community edition. This version is aimed at SMEs, and small companies. With browser-based management tools, you can design, implement, and manage virtual applications in cloud environments. You can plan and simplify the implementation process and automating virtual machine scale and load balancing.

Eucalyptus is one of the other names in the world of cloud computing. There are two versions, which is open source and enterprise. Of course, what we see here is open source. With Eucalyptus, you are more than just serving. You can control the network infrastructure, and storage. Eucalyptus can be used on Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Debian, and CentOS, and supports Xen and KVM hypervisors.

Google Web Toolkit
The developers may need to add the Google Web Toolkit as a weapon. You can use it to write the front end of an application in Java, and then to compile the source with GWT to obtain optimal JavaScript. And because GWT is open source, you can join the Google Web kit Community, and contribute to its development.

Magento is one of the tools of e-commerce seriously. This one can compete with large platform and beat some of them. Magento feature of which is a tool for marketing / promotion, catalog management, catalog browsing, product browsing, mobile solutions, cashier, shipping, payments, and more. Magento was chosen, as "Best New Project" on Source Forge (2008) is not without reason. With the Community and Enterprise editions, the available solution for everyone. Keep in mind, although the free Community edition (No more features), the Enterprise edition has a price.

Nuxeo is a document management system is feature-rich and easy to install. Nuxeo has so more features, and the best way to see them all is to open a page Nuxeo Feature List (http://www.nuxeo.com/en/products/dm/features). With the Nuxeo users can work online or offline (if it offline to do upload content). Users can simply drag and drop content from the desktop to the web browser to import content. No other way is easier. Nuxeo is also offered in an edition for cloud computing, which eliminates the need for storage, infrastructure, hardware infrastructure, or server.

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