Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How to Become a Professional Programmer?

How to become a professional programmer? Someone who can make a program called a programmer, but whether such a course with someone who can make the program without any fault on the program that was to be called a professional programmer? According to my own, the person is not worth calling a professional programmer. Maybe you are confused why I say like that. That is just my view, maybe you have a view other than mine. Okay, I'll tell someone new programmer is a professional programmer if he has the skills and perform the duties wholeheartedly and without spreading malware or viruses that can cause problems on a laptop computer or the user program.

To be more clear, let us consider ..
Skills that must be owned by a professional programmer:

Reading the source code of a program, from the simple to relatively complex, is a skill that must be owned by a programmer. The term program here is used not only in the sense of complete applications, but also includes a code segment level, functions / subroutines, libraries or modules used by an application intact. Benefit from our reading program is unfamiliar
increasing number of sources of information that we can use to solve the problem.

Implementation of an algorithm that modifies a form of data structures in a program can be adapted into a program of our own making with context and data structures are completely different. Apart from the benefits, unfortunately this is not a lot of skills taught (and to my knowledge has never been a separate subject in college), but
we feel the urgency when we are presented with the obligation to modify programs written and previously managed by someone else. With only the source code and documentation (which, unfortunate, does not always comprehensive), in these circumstances a programmer should be able to continue the management of the program without destroying the existing code organizations or add unnecessary complexity exist. On the other hand this situation will rarely encountered by the average programmer, because more often than the original author of the program that must continue the management, after moving the attention on other things for some time.

Therefore it can be concluded that in general, skills that must be owned by a programmer associated with the comprehension of program source code is as follows:
1. Understanding the source code written by himself when he no longer remember the detail mechanism of the program.
2. Continuing management, adapt, develop and (when necessary) modify it to tailor the program to the needs of users without sacrificing ease of care in the future.
3. Having the ability as described in point 1. and 2. for programs written and documented by other programmers.
4. Reading program to enrich tooling owned a programmer to solve the problem.

Furthermore, the obligation that must always be a professional programmer what?

Coding is the duty of a Programmer.
A programmer has the obligation as follows:
1. Understanding the basic concepts of operating systems.
Most of Indonesian programmers usually make the application on the operating system, so many argue that it is not necessary to understand the workings of operating systems. For professional programmers, this understanding will make programmers better prepared to make the application servers that typically multithreaded and should be efficiently used in a long time. Deep understanding in one of the operating system is also a significant added value. By knowing the internal structure of the operating system (eg Linux), the programmer can find a variety of considerations in designing a large application that continues to grow.
2. Understanding the basic concept of the network.
An application cannot walk alone. The application must be related to the Internet, serving many users, or connect with other devices such as mobile phones or PDAs. Therefore, understanding the concept of networking is very important.
3. Understanding the basic concepts of relational databases.

Are you a professional programmer?

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